Illness and infection procedure

Illness and infection procedure

Illness and Infection Procedure Policy for Be. Independent Day Nursery

Policy Statement At Be, we are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for all children and staff. This policy outlines our procedures for managing illness and infection, aiming to minimize the risk of spreading infections and ensuring the well-being of everyone in our care.

1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Establish clear procedures for identifying and managing illness and infections.
  • Ensure prompt action is taken to protect the health of children and staff.
  • Educate parents, staff, and children about illness prevention and control measures.

2. Illness Reporting

  • Parents/guardians are required to inform the nursery if their child is unwell or diagnosed with an infectious illness.
  • A record of illnesses reported will be maintained by the nursery to monitor potential outbreaks and inform necessary actions.

3. Symptoms of Illness

  • Staff should be vigilant in observing children for symptoms of illness, including but not limited to:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

  • Be. Independent Day Nursery – Policies for Website, updated October 2024

  • Unexplained rash
  • Persistent cough
  • Difficulty breathing

  • If a child displays any of these symptoms while at nursery, staff will follow the procedures outlined below.

4. Exclusion Guidelines

  • A full list of exclusion periods for specific illnesses are included in Appendix A – Illness Exclusion Table. Our exclusion guidelines are formed using relevant government and NHS guidance. We implement a common-sense model and will always notify parents if a child displays any signs/symptoms of being unwell whilst at the setting, and act accordingly. This will include attempting to reach parents via phone call, email or Whatsapp message.

5. Notification of Illness

  • If a child is diagnosed with an infectious disease, parents will be informed immediately, and other parents will be notified to monitor for symptoms.
  • The nursery will follow Public Health England guidelines for notifying authorities of infectious disease outbreaks as required.

6. Hygiene Practices

  • Staff will promote good hygiene practices, including:

  • Regular handwashing with soap and water for children and staff, especially before meals and after using the toilet.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting toys and surfaces regularly.
  • Providing tissues for children to use and encouraging them to cover their mouths and noses when sneezing or coughing.

7. Management of Sick Children

  • If a child becomes unwell during nursery hours, staff will:

  • Stay with the child, in a quiet area of the nursery to monitor.
  • Contact the parent/guardian to collect the child as soon as possible.
  • Monitor the child’s condition and provide comfort until the parent arrives.

8. Staff Illness

  • Staff members must report any illness that may affect their ability to work or that may be contagious.
  • Staff who are unwell, particularly with contagious illnesses, should refrain from coming to work until they are symptom-free for the appropriate period.
  • Please refer to the staff policy as per the staff handbook.

9. Policy Review and Monitoring

Be. Independent Day Nursery – Policies for Website, updated October 2024

  • This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner, if necessary, in response to changes in legislation or best practices.
  • Staff will receive training on infection control and the implementation of this policy.

10. Communication with Parents

  • Parents will be encouraged to keep their contact details updated to ensure timely communication regarding their child’s health.
  • Regular newsletters and information sessions will provide guidance on illness prevention and the importance of keeping sick children at home.
  • Per term, management will audit our Blossom platform to ensure that all contact information is up-to-date.


By implementing this Illness and Infection Procedure Policy, Be. Independent Day Nursery aims to protect the health of all children and staff, creating a safe and supportive environment conducive to learning and development.

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