Contract Terms and Conditions

Contract Terms & Conditions

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Contract between Be. Independent Day Nursery and:


Year Round, non-funded cost: £65.00

Full Day cost with 6 hours funding: £33.00

Payment is to be arranged monthly

Agreed payment date: 1 st of each month upon invoice

Payment method:

  • Direct to bank
  • Vouchers
  • Tax free childcare payments

1. Fees and Invoices

1.1 Fees will be charged as per the current price list at the time of registration.

1.2 New starters will be invoiced on registering with a setting. The invoice will contain fees for the sessions booked within that calendar month, and will be due for payment immediately.

1.3 Further invoices will be produced on the first day of each month, for the upcoming month’s sessions. All parents who pay for their own childcare must do so by paying in advance, and so must make payment for a month, by the 5 th of each month.

Date Action
1 st each month Invoice issued for the current month’s sessions
5th of each month Invoice to be paid in full by this point

1.4 Invoices can be paid by standing order, credit card, childcare vouchers or Tax free childcare (see 1.). Any fees incurred by Be. Independent Day Nursery resulting from unauthorized payments will be passed on to the parents.

1.5 Work-based childcare vouchers can be used to pay in full or part for any invoice. Parents need to register with their employer for this scheme. Parents paying via this route must provide proof to Amy at Be. Independent Day Nursery to ensure they are not chased for payments. Any over payments will sit as a credit on the child’s account. No cash refunds can be given. Be. Independent Day requests that parents inform the voucher company to use your child’s full name as a reference. This will ensure the correct payments are allocated to your account.

1.6 Tax-Free Childcare payments are accepted.

1.7 If parents are receiving financial support from an organisation towards the childcare costs, then Be Independent will require written confirmation from the funders, detailing the funding arrangements, including amount, timescales, payment arrangements etc. and prior to registration.

1.8 Late payments may incur additional charges.

1.9 Any fees that remain unpaid, without prior agreement of the Manager, risk their child’s place at Be. Independent being withdrawn. Children who are accessing Free Early Education will be able to continue with their free sessions but any wrap around hours will be withdrawn.

1.10 If invoices remain unpaid, Be. Independent will proceed to make a small claims court application to recover the funds. This will incur additional court costs and might result in parents getting a County Court Judgement (CCJ) made against them.

1.11 Be. Independent will always give at least one months’ notice to increase fees which are reviewed annually.

2. Attendance

2.1 Invoices will not be altered, and no credit will be given for absences or other reasons including family holidays, illness, inset days (up to 5) and school closures.

3. Collection or dropping off of your child

3.1 You are allowed to park your vehicle on Be. Independent’s premises (where applicable) ONLY WHILST YOU ARE COLLECTING OR DROPPING OFF YOUR CHILD. You are not permitted to leave your vehicle onsite at any other time. *

3.2 If you expect to be late collecting your child please notify the setting as soon as possible. If you are late for collection then you will be charged for this. The additional time will be charged at the rate of £5 for every 15 minutes, or part thereof after the end of your contracted session and will be added to your next invoice.

3.3 If you are late on three or more occasions, Be. Independent Day Nursery reserves the right to end your contract with us. This may be implemented at the discretion of the Children’s Services Manager. This does not apply to children who are accessing Free Early education.

3.4 It is your responsibility to notify the nursery of your child’s absence. Please provide written communication via of the absence.

4. Extra sessions

4.1 Extra sessions are available subject to availability please speak to Manager or Deputy Manager. The charge for extra sessions will be applied to your next invoice.

4.2 Phoning and leaving a message will not guarantee that your child will be picked up, you must speak to a member of staff. *

5. Cancellation and Changes

5.1 You must give one months’ written notice to cancel your child’s place with Be Independent. If you withdraw your child before the notice period ends, you will still be liable for payment of the invoice.

5.2 The minimum period for any permanent change of sessions is one month. If the notified start date is changed by you, we reserve the right to charge from the original start date notified on the booking form.

5.3 Be Independent Day Nursery reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in case of non-payment of fees, or if a parent, carer or child displays abusive, threatening or otherwise inappropriate behaviour, or for any other reasonable cause.

Policies and Procedures

6.1 Policies and Procedures are located in the office at the nursery, and can be made available on request via email at

7. Personal Property

7.1 Be Independent Day Nursery cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any parents, carer’s or child’s property or belongings. Every reasonable effort will be made by the staff to ensure that property is not damaged. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled and we suggest that all toys, books and equipment are left at home.

8. Agreement

8.1 These Terms and Conditions, together with the registration form, represent the entire agreement and understanding between you and Be Independent Day Nursery and replace all previous contracts and their contents.

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